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Excerpts From The Roman Missal

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Excerpts From The Roman Missal


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    Excerpts from the Roman Missal (also known informally as the "Book of the Chair") represents a worthy and welcome solution to a commonly voiced concern: The Roman Missal is a large and heavy book, difficult for altar servers (who are often children) to hold for the celebrant and to carry around the sanctuary. Developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the Vatican, Excerpts includes only those texts of the Missal that are used by the celebrant at the chair. The resulting volume is approximately half the size of the full Missal.

    The Liturgical Press edition of Excerpts is published with the same high quality and standards as our Roman Missal. It features:

    • a rich, durable, deep-red cloth cover embellished with Christ enthroned, rendered in a distinguished, bold style and foil stamped in gold and silver;
    • beautiful illustrations by renowned liturgical artist, Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB;
    • prayer texts set in readable, easy-to-proclaim type on natural ivory quality paper;
    • three sturdy grosgrain ribbon bookmarks to enhance ease-of-use by celebrants;
    • gilded page edges that further esteem the text visually.
    Product number: 4437
    ISBN: 978-0-8146-4437-9
    Pages: 728
    Trim Size: 8 1/2 x 11
    Publication Date: 03/15/2018

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